More Joyful News From Nekhor! Upcoming Pilgrimage in November 2019

Following in Your Footsteps: the Lotus Born Guru in Nepal Pilgrimage

Tukdrup Barché Kunsel Pilgrimage: November 2019

To inaugurate the publication of Following in Your Footsteps: the Lotus Born Guru in Nepal, Nekhor invites you on our inaugural Tukdrup Barché Kunsel pilgrimage! This treasure cycle’s central prayer is the famous Barché Lamsel, which relates the particular powerful events where Guru Padmasambhava dispelled obstacles.  Thus, on this very special pilgrimage, we will follow the Barché Lamsel, visiting five sacred sites in Nepal where the Mahaguru dispelled obstacles, namely: Maratika, Asura Cave & Yangleshö, Yarinak, Chumik Changchup, and Tsawarong.

Making Offerings and Aspirations

As we trace our own spiritual journey back to these pivotal moments, the monks of Ka-Nying Shedrup Ling will lead us in offering the Tukdrup Barché Kunsel feast-offering.  Together we will recite the Barché Lamsel prayer, we will make aspirations, and we will deepen our practice through this pilgrimage experience.  Finally, we will dedicate the merit for the benefit of all.

Visiting the Sacred Sites

In Part 1 (November 12-14th), we will travel to the Maratika caves, where Guru Rinpoche accomplished immortality with his consort Mandrava.  Then in Part 2 (November 16-19th), we will visit four more more deeply sacred sites, all connected to Guru Padmsambhava: Asura Cave & Yanglesho, Yarinak, Chumik Changchup, and Tsawarong.  You are welcome to join for all are just part of the pilgrimage. We look forward to the journey together!

For More Information

For information on the pilgrimage, please visit:
Or contact us at 

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