Nekhor’s Pilgrimage Webcast

Dear Dharma friends near and far,

Happy Guru Rinpoche Day to you all.

Next month’s Guru Rinpoche Day is the Treldha Tsechu, the tenth day of the sixth month, the monkey month, celebrating the miraculous birth of Guru Rinpoche in Dhanakosha. Nekhor, an initiative of Samye Translations under the guidance of Phakchok Rinpoche is rejoicingly announcing the completion of the three part book series documenting the life of our Precious Mahaguru Padmasambhava.

Closely following the Pema Kathang, The Chronicles of Padma, a biography of Guru Rinpoche revealed by Orgyen Lingpa from Yarlung Sheldrak, Samye Translations in 2014 started documenting the sacred sites of the Mahaguru as it unfolded from Dhanakosha in Uddiyana down into the gigantic plains of India onto the valleys, mountains and rivers of Nepal and gradually up the Himalayas into the Tibetan Plateau and finally documenting the last event at the sacred Gunthang Pass in Mangyul on the tenth day of the Monkey month in the Wood Monkey year, as the Mahaguru mounted the supreme steed of Balaha and flew to Zangdok Palri, the Glorious Copper-Colored Mountian.

When Guru Padmasambhava was leaving Tibet for the last time and heading for the land of the rakshasa demons in the southwest, his closest disciple, Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal, was grieving at the prospect of losing her beloved master. Guru Rinpoche consoled her with the following pith instruction, a jewel from among the vast treasury of his teachings:

When you recount my life-story, you will be filled with inspiration.༔
When you see my qualities and my understanding, deep faith will be born within you. ༔
When that faith becomes unshakeable conviction, then my blessing will enter and transform you. ༔
When your mind is free of all doubts, whatever you wish can be achieved. ༔
— Revealed by Tulku Zangpo Drakpa

It is with great pleasure with this year marking our 10 years of research and study of the precious life and the sacred sites of Guru Rinpoche, we at Nekhor would now like to share this treasure trove of information with all of you so that we can create an auspicious condition in recounting the life-story of Guru Rinpoche with deep aspirations that it will fill you with inspiration.

During the annual Treldha Tsechu Tsok Bum, this year falling on July 16th, Phakchok Rinpoche would recall the precious life story of Guru Rinpoche and elaborate further on this auspicious unfolding of events. The timing and registration for this online gathering will be announced soon via Samye Institute. Subsequent webcasts will primarily take place on Guru Rinpoche Days, and we will announce these dates one by one in the coming weeks.

Please save the date and stay tuned for more information.

Wishing you well,

The Nekhor team

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