New Series: Radically Happy for Dharma-stream

Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche and Erric Solomon recently published their book Radically Happy. The book will be of benefit to anyone – from the most seasoned of practitioners, to new practitioners and even to non-practitioners! Radically Happy is for all who struggle to keep a balance in life between work and family, or are trying to cope with the fast pace of daily life, like managing a carreer while at the same time aspiring to grow intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.


Phakchok Rinpoche and Erric Solomon have kindly produced a special Radically Happy series for the Dharma-stream groups, which consists of 5 sessions, covering portions of the book.

We have made this series more “interactive”, with specific questions to discuss during the session, exercises to do during sessions – as well as reflections and exercises to do in between sessions.


Translation into your language

The Radically Happy for Dharma-stream series is currently available in English. We aspire to make it available in other languages, both as subtitles and the instructional documents. If you have excellent English skills, experience doing translations, and the time and motivation to do this in your native language, please reach out to our translation coordinator, Monica Lopez at:


Click Here for more information on Dharma-stream and how to form your own Dharma-stream group.

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