Patron Event: Q&A With Phakchok Rinpoche

We are very excited and joyful to announce that Phakchok Rinpoche will offer a question-and-answer online teaching session exclusively for all Samye Patrons!

This will take place on Saturday, September 21, at 5:45 pm Kathmandu time.

The duration will be approximately 2 hours.

Patrons are encouraged to submit questions that are related to one’s personal practice and questions related to topics that relate to the Three Student Pathways, that Rinpoche introduced earlier this year:

  • The Path of Dignity
  • The Path of Transformation
  • The Path of Realization

This teaching session will be translated into Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Thai, and Portuguese.  We are aware that some of our patrons prefer to hear teachings in their native language. We offer this interpretation as part of our ongoing aspiration to make all of the patron materials available in our major languages. We appreciate your patience as we continue this process.

By becoming a Samye Patron you are creating an auspicious connection by joining us in spreading the Dharma and supporting the practice of Dharma students. You are also gaining access to all of Samye Institute’s online, self-paced courses – as well as support materials for your practice, and the entire video and audio library of teachings with Phakchok Rinpoche and Senior instructors.

Your financial support is integral to the continued success of Samye Institute. Monthly patronage offerings help us to cover the costs of maintaining and updating the website, filming and archiving material, and offering to the teachers and interpreters. Our growth and ability to deliver more materials and translations depend entirely on the support of our kind patrons. Please join us in creating the positive conditions for the Buddhadharma to flourish. 

If you have financial restraints that make it impossible for you to contribute, please write to us for scholarship assistance. That scholarship assistance is provided by the offerings of fellow sangha members. If you are able, please consider increasing your offering to allow us to continue these scholarship memberships.

Once you have joined as a Patron, you will have access to the Student Pathway Portal. There you will find the registration information to register for Phakchok Rinpoche’s teaching on September 21.

As we need to have time for Rinpoche to review the submitted questions, the deadline for submitting your question is September 16. Once you have become a Patron, you will find the link for submitting questions on the Student Pathway Portal.

With great joy and rejoicing in this auspicious opportunity,

The Samye Institute Team

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Samye is a place where students from all corners of the globe explore how to work with their minds in order to lead meaningful lives. Drawing from authentic Buddhist wisdom traditions, our online platform offers live teachings, structured courses, interactive forums, and community for the digital Dharma sangha. Samye Institute aims to be to the digital world what Nalanda was to India and what Samye was to Tibet.