Phakchok Rinpoche in Taiwan

In December 2023, Phakchok Rinpoche turned the wheel of Dharma for eight days in Taiwan. Rinpoche’s Awakening Dignity book was recently published in Chinese. Rinpoche taught several times on the topic of Dignity, which were well received by the sangha there. Rinpoche had public teaching via Zoom on the topic: The Power of the Authentic Self. The video recording is now available via Samye Institute’s YouTube channel for rewatch or reflection and will be available on the Samye Institute’s Awakening Dignity archive page. Additionally, Rinpoche led a Tukdrup Sampa Lhundrup Tsok Bum, bestowed empowerments, and offered refuge vows to over 60 people. At the conclusion of his activities in Taiwan, Rinpoche offered profound and clear teachings on the Lotus Essence Tantra. Materials from these teachings will soon be released in Samye Institute’s Vajrayana Membership page.

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