Announcing Annual Pujas at Vajra Varahi Monastery in Nepal

It is a great pleasure to share with you the launch of our annual pujas at Vajra Varahi Monastery, in Nepal. Visit here for full details.

In this and the following years, the monks of Vajra Varahi monastery will perform the following pujas or practices on behalf of Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche, his students, and benefactors. These pujas were carefully selected and thought through personally by Rinpoche.

The annual pujas will auspiciously start with the Dakini puja of Vajra Claw. Followed by Sampa Lhundrup feast offerings at Asura Cave; Ngensong Dongdruk puja from The Guru’s Heart Practice; mantra recitations and fire pujas of the Lotus Dakini (Kurukulle or Pema Khandro); and finally the Dakini puja of White Umbrella (Sitatapatra or Dukkarmo) from The Seven Cycles of Profundity.

Please visit the site to learn more about the pujas and to form an auspicious connection to the prayers.

Click here for full details and to make offerings.

With Blessings,

The Samye Institute Team

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