Reflections on the Auspicious Occasion of the Sampa Lhundrup Tsokbum

Sampa Lhundrup

Sitting in the tsokbum at the Asura cave in Kathmandu feels relaxed and almost normal or natural to be there—until I take a moment to contemplate what I am actually part of and the profundity of the place, text, blessing objects and people all coming together for the three days of this ritual. Realizing how special Guru Rinpoche’s Sampa Lhundrup text and its benefits are, alone, is mind blowing.

Sampa Lhundrup

Combining it with Guru Rinpoche’s own cave, unimaginable relics, including some from Guru Rinpoche himself, and blessings from numerous Buddhist lineages and great masters makes it a once-in-a-life-time experience for anyone who had the fortune to be able to attend. During the puja, the sound and speed of the accumulation mantra being chanted by the monks and nuns gives me some energy, despite the body feeling tired from the long sitting sessions.

Sampa Lhundrup

The daily tsok offering was overflowing and more than all attending could feast on, with baskets laid out at the entrance of the main cave daily for any visitors to partake in. The Narak Kong Shak was melodiously chanted twice daily—it hit home when reading the text, and understanding or feeling devotion for what we are praying for. Receiving the blessings at the end of the day and dedicating the merit wraps up the day of puja and gives me a feeling of calm.

Click here to read more on the tradition of offering 100,000 feast offerings, a Tsok Bum, or Bum Tsok.

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