Samye Global Supplication in Honor of Kyabjé Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche

Phakchok Rinpoche and Samye Institute invite all dharma brothers and sisters to join in a global supplication in honor of the parinirvana of His Eminence, The Fourth Chokgyur Lingpa Kyabjé Tsikey Chokling Mingyur Dewey Dorje. The supplication will begin at 7:30 pm Singapore Time on the 8th of the Tibetan Lunar month, December 22. 

Phakchok Rinpoche will first address the assembled global sangha. He will teach in English on the main channel.


The link for the prayers selected for the practice is here. The text will also be displayed on the screen during the session. The chants will be led in Tibetan by our chant-master, Lama Sherab Dorje.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 933 1828 6168

Passcode: 098387

Zoom capacity is 1,000. If you are unable to participate in Zoom, you can join us via YouTube live-stream at

Key information About The Samye Global Supplication

Date: December 22, 2020

Time: 7:30 -10:30 p.m. Singapore time

You can check the time for your location here.

Translations on Zoom

We will provide simultaneous translation into the following languages for Rinpoche’s teaching. The main channel is English. Other language channels include:

To learn more about Zoom, login information, and accessing language channels, please visit our Zoom FAQ.

  • Chinese
  • Indonesian
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Thai
  • Vietnamese

Please note: Prior registration is NOT required for this event.

We welcome this opportunity to join together as a sangha for this meritorious activity. Please feel free to share the invitation with all of your dharma friends! We hope to see all of you on Tuesday.

If you have any questions, please contact us at


Indonesia Bahasa

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