Samye Institute Fundraising Campaign

Samye Institute provides both live and on-demand teachings, instruction, retreats, and events derived from authentic Buddhist wisdom traditions. On the online platform, individuals explore how to work with their minds and discover answers as to how to live a meaningful life.

Our aspiration is to provide resources and training methods to support all those who wish to develop more kindness, compassion, and wisdom. We hope that Samye Institute can become your spiritual companion, providing insight and assistance throughout your spiritual journey.

Just as our namesake Samye monastery arose with the support of devoted patrons, our virtual platform flourishes due to the kind patronage of our sangha and friends. Our activities are dependent on the generosity of people like yourself. That’s why Samye is holding a fundraising drive from now until Losar (March 3rd, 2022). We aspire to gather US$108,000 before Losar. Raising this amount would be transformative, allowing Samye to dramatically increase our activities in these uncertain times. Some activities that would be enabled by these funds include:

  • Continuing to develop our translation activities, providing language coordinators and caption editors, as well as live interpretation for senior lama teachings and Tsok Bum pujas.
  • Creating a series of sadhana visualization videos and ritual instruction aids courses on essential practices in the Chokling Tersar lineage.
  • Launching a Samye practice companion smartphone application, including a meditation timer, guided meditations, meditation teachings, and more.
  • Hiring staff to help coordinate events hosted by our global sangha, sharing their meritorious activities across our mandala.
  • Contracting professional videographers to produce teaching materials and course content from our Nepal-based senior monastics.

We are overjoyed to announce that the Vajra Fund and several generous members of our Sangha have agreed to match donations up to $45,000 USD. The merit gained from making offerings of the dharma that benefits countless beings is immeasurable.

If you are currently unable to offer financial support, you can make aspirations to be able to do so in the future. We invite you to share in the merit by rejoicing in the generosity of all our sponsors and patrons. In addition, if you are interested in offering your skills and expertise, please contact us.

*Artwork courtesy of Karma Phuntsok /

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About Samye Institute

Samye is a place where students from all corners of the globe explore how to work with their minds in order to lead meaningful lives. Drawing from authentic Buddhist wisdom traditions, our online platform offers live teachings, structured courses, interactive forums, and community for the digital Dharma sangha. Samye Institute aims to be to the digital world what Nalanda was to India and what Samye was to Tibet.