Sukhavati Retreat with Phakchok Rinpoche in Bali

Phowa and Teachings for Swift Rebirth in the Pure Land of Dewachen, the Blissful Buddha Field of Amitabha

Samye Hermitage Bali rejoices in the announcement that Phakchok Rinpoche will offer a very special retreat opportunity in Bali, this October. For the first time, Rinpoche will bestow a combination of three special instructions with the associated precious reading transmissions as well:

The Seed Tantra, Only Child of All Buddhas, or Sangyé Sechik, is one of the most important liberation texts in the Dzogchen tradition. Retreatants will receive teachings and transmissions for reciting this text, which liberates upon hearing and wearing.

The practice of Phowa, or transference of consciousness at the time of death, the swift path that guarantees freedom from samsaric states. Retreatants will be provided the teachings, transmissions and conditions to receive the sign of accomplishing the phowa practice during the retreat itself.

And, the Concise Amitābha Breathing Practice taught by Guru Rinpoche, a profound yet simple visualization practice to be done before sleeping. Retreatants will learn this simple, profound breathing visualization practice – inseparability with Amitabha Buddha through breathing.

For more details and to register, please click the event below.

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