Tulku Migmar Tsering: The 37 Bodhisattva Practices, Sponsored by the Vietnamese Sangha

Samye Institute is pleased to announce that Tulku Migmar Tsering will begin a new teaching series dedicated to Gyalse Tokme Zangpo’s 37 Bodhisattva Practices. This teaching series has been generously sponsored by the Vietnamese Sangha. This beautiful text encapsulates the bodhisattva ideal in a series of 37 pith aphorisms relating to all elements of the Mahayana view, meditation, and conduct. This teaching series is scheduled to take place over ten sessions, where Tulku-la will gently guide us through the text, explaining the deep and subtle meanings of this profound work.

You can access the root text of the 37 Bodhisattva Practices at Lotsawa House here and the versions in Vietnamese, Indonesian and Thai. This text does not require transmission or empowerment to read and study. Students do not have to attend every session, recordings will be available to catch up if you miss a teaching.

Session One : November 28th, 5:45PM (Kathmandu Time, see other time zones here). The remaining sessions will occur weekly on Sundays at 9AM (Kathmandu Time).

Tulku-la will be teaching in Tibetan, with live translation into English, Vietnamese, Thai, and Indonesian. Recordings of Tulku-la’s teachings will be made available on YouTube and on the Samye Institute website after each session.

Please register for this meeting here.

If you would like to make an offering to support these teachings, please click here.


Việt Ngữ
Bahasa Indonesia

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