Upcoming Nekhor Webcast: Establishing and Guarding the Dharma

We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming webcast, “Following in the Footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru,” on Guru Rinpoche Day, September 13th.

In our last webcast, our journey in the footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru took us to Nepal, where Guru Rinpoche made profound aspirations before the Great Jarung Kashor Stupa. We also visited Dhanakosha and Uddiyana, the sites of his miraculous birth and rule.

With the continued aspiration to connect everyone to the life of Guru Padmasambhava, in the next webcast we will explore the history and significance of the eight great charnel grounds, starting with the liberation of Rudra on Mount Malaya and Guru Rinpoche’s austerities, through which he manifested various enlightened forms and attained the first vidyadhara level.

Join us on the 13th of September, during the 7th Tibetan month, as we celebrate Guru Rinpoche’s victory over hostile forces and delve into these profound events, continuing to follow in the footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru. If you have any questions, write to info@samyetranslations.org

Event Details

Date: September 13th (Guru Rinpoche Day)
Time: 6:45 – 8:15 PM Nepal Time
You can check the time in your country here.

We will offer live interpretation into Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian and Ukrainian.

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