Concise Sang Offering

Taught by
Phakchok Rinpoche provides practical instruction in making fragrant smoke offerings.

Welcome to the Concise Cleansing Offering (Sang) support program. Here, you will find comprehensive video and audio teachings on making fragrant smoke offerings, a practice deeply rooted in the Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel cycle. Whether you’re new to this practice or looking to deepen your understanding, this course offers valuable insights and practical guidance.

Introduction to Sang Puja

For those unfamiliar with the practice, we recommend starting with our wiki entry about Sang puja. This article provides a foundational overview to help you appreciate the significance and benefits of this profound offering.

The Practice Text

The primary text for this course is Cleansing Offering (Sang) According to the Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel, Accomplishing the Guru’s Wisdom Mind, Dispeller of All Obstacles. In Tibetan, it is titled: Thugs sgrub bar chad kun sel gyi bsangs mchod mdor bsdus bzhugs so. This treasure text (terma) was revealed by the Great Tertön Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, the last of the 108 great tertöns. The text outlines the numerous benefits of the practice, such as:

  • Pacifying all downfalls, veils, and discordant factors
  • Increasing conducive circumstances and excellence effortlessly
  • Ensuring plentiful harvests, thriving livestock, and flourishing family lines
  • Uplifting the dharma lineage and ensuring its longevity
  • Attracting the excellence of the vessel and contents
  • Bringing an abundance of auspiciousness, bliss, and excellence
  • Ultimately perfecting the accumulation of merit and arising supreme wisdom effortlessly

This profound instruction is cherished by all and is essential for creating auspicious conditions in both dharma and secular activities.

Support Materials

Our support program provides a wealth of resources to aid your practice:

  • Video and Audio Teachings: Detailed explanations of the meaning and key points of the practice, as well as step-by-step guidance.
  • Performance Guidance: Videos demonstrating different types of ritual performances, including Phakchok Rinpoche performing a sang offering with a large group.
  • Bilingual Recordings: Practice recordings in both Tibetan and English to help you follow along with the text and develop familiarity.

We recommend watching and listening to these materials repeatedly to internalize the text and understand the meaning. Alternating between the two languages can deepen your comprehension and connection to the practice.

Advice on Practice

Engaging in the Concise Cleansing Offering (Sang) is a beautiful and profound experience. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Developing a full understanding takes time. Allow yourself the space to grow into the practice.
  • Offering to the Three Jewels: View the practice as an offering to the three jewels and all sentient beings.
  • Gain Familiarity: Practice is about creating a pattern and gaining familiarity. Over time, the subtle elements of the practice will naturally become clearer.
  • Utilize the Student Forum: Engage with the community by posing questions and sharing experiences in the forum. This collective learning approach can enhance your understanding and practice.


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