Forum Replies Created

  • George Raine

    May 2, 2022 at 5:30 pm in reply to: Share your sacred space and inspire our sangha!

    I live in a very small apartment and have very limited space to appropriately host representations of the Three Jewels! Fortunately though I have a lovely shelf right above my workstation, so I can always feel that I am practicing!

  • George Raine

    April 20, 2022 at 3:08 pm in reply to: Pronunciation of Phakchok

    Hi Katy!

    I asked one of our translators, Oriane Lavole who teaches the Tibetan for Practitioners course about the correct pronunciation and meaning of Rinpoche’s name. Here is her response:

    Kyab (protection) gön (lord) is an honorific title.
    Phak means noble.
    Chok means supreme.
    Rinpoche means precious one or jewel, and it is a title given to realized masters or recognized reincarnations of such masters in the Tibetan tradition.

    You can find an audio recording of Oriane pronouncing Rinpoche’s name attached below.

    Thank you! I hope this answers your question!