Three Nagi Gompa Nuns Welcomed as Samye Institute Instructors

On this Saga Dawa Duchen, Samye Institute is delighted to announce that, upon the request from Phakchok Rinpoche, we have welcomed three senior drupla nuns from the Nagi Gompa Nunnery to become senior monastic instructors for Samye Institute. Kyapjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche resided at the Nagi Nunnery for over 30 years, spending most of that time in meditation retreat. Today, over 200 nuns reside at the nunnery, where most of the senior nuns have completed at least one traditional three-year retreat.

Today, on this very auspicious day, Samye Institute is pleased to welcome Drupla Ani Dekyi Chödron, Drupla Ani Kunga Drolma, and Drupla Ani Pema Khandro. We look forward to coordinating and announcing online programs with these senior drupla anis in the coming weeks and months.

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