The Guru Dorjé Draktsel Global Feast Offering

Dear Dharma Brothers and Sisters,

Many thanks to all of you for participating in our recent Guru Dorjé Draktsel Tsok Bum, the fourth in our series of seven global online ganachakra feast offering practices.

We are delighted to share with you that, as a global sangha representing 43 countries, we all together accumulated more than 150,000 recitations.

We very much look forward to our 5th tsok bum on Monday, November 24. This will comprise the ganachakra feast offering of Tukdrup Gongpa Kündü—The Heart Practice of  the Assembled Realization, making aspirations for all mundane and supermundane monlams to manifest. Details of this next tsok bum will be shared in the Dakini Digest and posted on the Samye website. Registration information will be sent on New Moon Day.

We are making the recording of Rinpoche’s fourth tsok bum teaching available. Click below to listen to the teaching in different languages. For more information on Guru Dorjé Draktsel, please refer to our wiki entry.

Sarva Mangalam,
Samye Team


Bahasa Indonesia
Việt Ngữ

Opening Teaching by Phakchok Rinpoche (Audio)





Việt Ngữ



Indonesia Bahasa

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