Final Opportunity to Accumulate the “Great Cloud of Blessings”

Phakchok Rinpoche requests his students to take up the accumulation of this prayer

I encourage all Dharma Sanghas to accumulate this prayer, this will benefit you, me, the Sangha, and the Dharma

Phakchok Rinpoche

In 2017, Phakchok Rinpoche requested that all his students take up the magnetizing practice entitled “Great Cloud of Blessings” as part of their daily practice. This year, we have collectively accumulated almost 56,000 recitations. According to Rinpoche’s wish, we will be auspiciously concluding the global accumulations on the New Moon, March 2nd. As we look forward to Losar on March 3, we encourage our global sangha to make an extra effort in accumulating this profound and powerful prayer.

The deities of the Great Cloud of Blessings

The great Nyingma master Mipham Rinpoche wrote that: “Anyone who prays in this way will, without any doubt, accomplish all magnetizing activities exactly according to their wishes”. We would also like to draw your attention to these wonderful resources from Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche who has taught extensively on the background of the text here and on how to practice it. Also, there is an extensive in-depth commentary on this text by Khenpo Sodargye available here.

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