Announcing a New Membership from Samye Institute

Samye Institute is delighted to announce a new monthly membership program. By joining Samye Institute’s Vajrayana Membership, you will receive unique monthly recorded teachings from Phakchok Rinpoche, Tulku Migmar Tsering, and Samye Institute’s learned Druplas, Khenpos, and other qualified Vajrayana Instructors.

These teachings discuss important Vajrayana topics such as pure perception, the three samadhis, the four stakes that bind the life-force, and more. Due to the Vajrayana Samayas, these videos are not available to the general public, and many have never been published before. 

Although our aspiration is to translate these materials for our international sangha, this membership is currently only available in English. 

Membership includes:

  • Video teachings from Phakchok Rinpoche on texts such as the Sangye Shechik Seed Tantra.
  • Audio teachings on becoming familiar with Vajrayana visualization practices.
  • Extensive written teachings from retreats, where our teachers discuss the correct use of Samaya objects, guru devotion, receiving empowerment, and more.
  • Full retreat recordings so you can practice along in a home retreat setting or use those recordings for gradual self-study and integration in your daily life.
  • Practice companions, detailed guides to aid your practice, which include visual supports, commentaries, and instruction in the melodies, meditations, and mudras of core Chokling Tersar Practices such as the Concise Daily Practice and the Trinlé Nyingpo.
  • Companions to help you authentically practice the gathering offering pujas of the Samye Sangha.
  • Audio recordings of Phakchok Rinpoche chanting practices and prayers central to the Chokling Tersar lineage.

Join now and receive access to over fifty hours of Vajrayana material! More content will be released every month. This material is a valuable addition to any student seeking a deeper understanding of Vajrayana practice.

Listen to Phakchok Rinpoche’s Teaching on Beginning the Vajrayana Path

In order to join the Vajrayana membership, you will need to have taken refuge and bodhisattva vows and received Vajrayana empowerment from an authentic master. You should also have the sincere intention to begin the four foundations practice of ngöndro, or be practicing or already completed the ngöndro.

Do you have any questions about the Vajrayana Membership? Please check our page of Frequently Asked Questions, or contact our friendly support team at


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Samye is a place where students from all corners of the globe explore how to work with their minds in order to lead meaningful lives. Drawing from authentic Buddhist wisdom traditions, our online platform offers live teachings, structured courses, interactive forums, and community for the digital Dharma sangha. Samye Institute aims to be to the digital world what Nalanda was to India and what Samye was to Tibet.