Announcing Phakchok Rinpoche’s Yeshé Zangthal Teachings

Yeshe Zangthal

Samye Institute is delighted to announce that we are releasing recordings of Phakchok Rinpoche’s teachings on the Yeshé Zangthal. These teachings were delivered to the Tibetan and Nepali Sangha at Dharma House NYC in September 2022. These teachings were the first teachings conferred by Rinpoche following his retreat.

Yangtik Yeshé Zangthal, The Quintessence of Wisdom Openness, is the fourth chapter of the Sheldam Nyingjang, The Essence Manual of Oral Instructions, the root tantra of the Tukdrup Barché Kunsel, The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles—the primary cycle of practice revealed by the Great Tertön Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa

This fourth chapter includes advice on the details of Mahayoga practice, including step-by-step instructions on how to properly develop the visualization of the deity based on “the three samadhis,” how to engage in proper recitation based on “the four nails that secure the life force”, and how to finally perfect the practice by realizing one’s own mind as the deity, Guru Padmasambhava.

The first teaching of this series is offered to the Sangha without restriction. As the remaining topics address Vajrayana topics, they are reserved for Samye Institute’s Vajrayana Members. By becoming a Vajrayana Member, you will gain access to restricted teachings on the Samye Institute site. Every month, we will be releasing new teachings, recordings, and resources to aid your Vajrayana practice.

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