Rejoicing in the Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel Tsok Bum

We rejoice in your participation in the Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel Tsok Bum at Asura Cave.

We are delighted to share with you that, as a global sangha representing 48 countries, we together accumulated over 150,000 recitations of the Tukdrup Barché Künsel Tsok offering prayer. As with most of our tsok bum since 2020, a portion of the blessed offering was also distributed as part of local food relief for families in need. See the photo collage below.

We very much look forward to you joining us for our next online Tsok Bum on July 9th, where we will perform 100,000 recitations of the Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup (The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes, the Guru’s Heart Practice) offering prayer. Details of this upcoming global online gathering will be posted on the Samye Institute website.

Images from Asura Cave


Việt Ngữ

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