Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup Tsok Bum

Join the Samye Sangha on Treldha Tsechu, the 10th Day of the sixth month, the Monkey Month (August 7, 2022), in celebrating Guru Rinpoche’s birth within a lotus blossom on Lake Danakosha, turning the wheel of Dharma for the dakinis of the island, he is known as Guru Tsokye Dorje.

Please join us during this auspicious time in accumulating one hundred-thousand tsok offerings of The Spontaneous Fulfiller of All Wishes (Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup). Our monks will make extensive offerings from the Asura Cave Retreat Center in Nepal. Together, our monks, nuns, and lay sangha will accumulate a total of 100,000 repetitions of the Sampa Lhündrup Tsok offering prayer. Preceding this event, Phakchok Rinpoche’s monks will complete two days of annual elaborate Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup pujas.

Below is key information about the Sampa Lhundrup tsok bum:

Date: August 7th, 2022 

Time: 5:45–8:45 p.m. Nepal time

You can check the time for your location hereWe will offer live interpretation to Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian and Japanese.

You can access the Sampa Lhündrup  liturgy here. It is available in Tibetan with translation into: English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Thai, Bahasa Indonesian, Ukrainian and Russian.

Register and pledge the malas you will accumulate on Zoom

Zoom registration is required for everyone, regardless of whether or not you will join the Zoom meeting. Please follow these steps for registering, pledging the number of malas of recitations, and attending Zoom:

Meeting ID:

816 5445 6445 

Passcode: 770288

Note: Reciting pages 22 and 23 from “Om Ah Hung lama rikdzin tsa sum…” to “…utsishta balingta bhakshasi soha” is a single recitation of the offering prayer. Reciting this 108 times is a single mala. If you follow the pace of our umze (chant leader), you will recite two malas of the offering prayer during the puja.

Information about tsok practice

Offering tsok is considered to be the supreme method for accumulating merit and wisdom, restoring all breakages of samaya, and fulfilling the wishes of the deities, gurus, protectors, and vajra brothers and sisters. Thus all unfavorable circumstances will be dispelled and all practitioners’ wishes will be swiftly fulfilled. An immensely powerful way to perform tsok is as a tsok bum, or 100,000 accumulations of the tsok offering.

For the upcoming tsok bum of Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup, we would like to share with you the following introduction to the Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup. Rinpoche has also kindly provided a brief teaching on how we can direct our practice while performing feast offerings. You can also read this teaching about the benefits of tsok practice. Our partners at Akara Collection have also created a beautiful Tukdrup Sampa Lhündrup Thangka to support our practice.

Joining via YouTube

At the same time that we are practicing via Zoom, we will be live-streaming aspects of the Samye Zoom meeting via YouTube.

This recording will remain publicly available for 24 hours after the conclusion of the Puja.

Remember: even if you decide to join via YouTube, you still have to register and pledge your malas on Zoom. Please note: translations in different languages are only availabe via Zoom, not YouTube.

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