The Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik Feast Offering

Dear Dharma Brothers and Sisters,

Many thanks to all of you for participating in our recent Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik Tsok Bum, the eleventh in our series of global online ganachakra feast offering practices and final for the year. We are delighted to share with you that, as a global sangha representing 41 countries, we collectively accumulated more than 160,000 recitations of the Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik offering prayer.

We also rejoice at the exciting news shared by Phakchok Rinpoche about the announcement of the Samye Endowment fund. This fund will provide financial stability for the continued preservation and increased growth of the four pillars of vajra activity. These include the Samye Institute, Lhasey Lotsawa, the Chokgyur Lingpa Foundation, and the Basic Goodness Foundation. This fund will bolster and sustain Phakchok Rinpoche’s activities now and for generations to come. Please keep your eyes on the Samye Institute announcement page for further news about the Endowment Fund.


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