Make Light Offerings at Asura Cave

We are delighted to announce that the monks and nuns at the Asura Cave will light butter lamps on the 10th of each lunar month, the auspicious Guru Rinpoche day.

Light Offerings at Asura Cave

The Asura Cave is a unique sacred site where Guru Rinpoche manifested the realization of Mahamudra. Among many benefits for beings, lighting butter lamps enhances the clarity of one’s meditation. Together with making light offerings, remember to make aspirations. 

Please find further instructions for light offerings by Phakchok Rinpoche here

You may find a concise and elaborate versions of lamp aspiration prayers on Samye Translations (formerly known as Lhasey Lotsawa Translations & Publications).

We will be accepting offerings and names of dedication until November 2nd at 8:00 PM EDT / November 2nd 12:00 AM / November 3rd 8:00 AM Singapore Time.

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