Develop certainty in Buddhist practice and we will proceed more quickly and effectively along the path. Gaining certainty in the Dharma takes time and a willingness to apply the instructions. In this audio teaching, Phakchok Rinpoche reminds us how we should authentically practice by giving personal advice based upon his own experience.

We may read many Dharma books, but Rinpoche reminds us, “Learning Dharma is not just learning the words”.

Listen to the audio

Certainty in Three steps

  1. Listen to teachings, and be sure to understand the point.
  2. Apply the practices in daily life. If we don’t apply then we won’t gain any experience.
  3. Meditative practice experience will clarify doubt and confusion.

Questions for Self-Reflection

How have I improved in five years? We regularly need to review our progress. Be honest—are our negative emotions reduced through our practice? Are there changes in our minds? When we examine our own experience we know the answer.

Certainty: How to Progress?

First, we receive the teachings. Then we spend time in practice, applying them correctly. That means we get the point without adding more of our own interpretations or creations or leaving things out. Don’t assume that we can adjust, but instead we practice as we were instructed.

Impermanence—A Great Motivator!

This is the time of the intermediate state. Right now we are in the intermediate stage between birth and death, aren’t we? And we have so many opportunities for practice now. But we also understand that death is definitely certain. So now is the time to practice!

