Tsok Bum: One Hundred-Thousand Tsok Offerings of Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel (The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles)

Please join us this Guru Rinpoche Day, (May 11th, 2022) in accumulating One Hundred-Thousand Tsok Offerings of The Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles (Tukdrup Barché Künsel) Puja. Our monks will make extensive offerings from the Asura Cave Retreat Center in Nepal. Together, our monks, nuns, and lay sangha will accumulate a total of 100,000 repetitions of the Tukdrup Barché Künsel Tsok offering prayer.

The Barché Künsel is the heart essence of the accomplished master Padmasambhava, who perceives the three times in their entirety. It is the quintessence of one billion heart sadhanas of the guru, the most unique terma, buried in the land of Tibet. It is also the first of the Four Cycles of Guru Sadhana. This Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles contains in completeness all the profound key points of the view, meditation, and conduct of the three inner yoga tantras. It manifested from the secret treasury of great wisdom, the vast realization of the Second Buddha of Uddiyana, as self-existing, natural vajra sounds in perfect, melodious tones. Its expressions, which are unmodified by the intellect of ordinary people; its words, which are without delusion; and its meaning, which is unmistaken, are exclusively due to the kindness of the three powerful knowledge holders, Khyentsé, Kongtrül, and Chokling, the great beings of the three families, who incarnated as masters to compile and propagate an ocean of secret teachings. It is exclusively through their kindness that this teaching was established in writing, as the splendor of unending welfare and happiness for disciples in the Land of Snow, and propagated to flourish everywhere. This pure and perfect teaching, which effortlessly bestows, in accordance with one’s wishes, the all-encompassing supreme and common siddhis, temporarily and ultimately, was an unprecedented diffusion of the gemstones of profound meaning, opening up the treasury of the universal monarch.

The words of Kyapjé Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche

Offering tsok is considered to be the supreme method for accumulating merit and wisdom, restoring all breakages of samaya and fulfilling the deities, gurus, protectors, and vajra brothers and sisters. Thus all unfavorable circumstances will be dispelled and all the practitioner’s wishes will be swiftly fulfilled. An immensely powerful way to perform the tsok is as a tsokbum or 100,000 accumulations of the tsok offering.

Below is key information about the Tukdrup Barché Künsel Tsok Bum

Date: May 11th 

Time: 5:45PM – 8:45PM Nepal time

Please note that this tsok bum starts at 5:45PM, NOT 8AM, Nepal time.

You can check the time for your location here. We will offer live interpretation to Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian and Japanese.

You can access the Tukdrup Barché Künsel liturgy here. It is available in Tibetan with translation into English, Ukrainian, Thai, Portuguese, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesian, Vietnamese and Spanish.

Zoom registration is required for everyone, regardless of whether or not you will join the Zoom meeting. Please follow these steps for registering, pledging the number of malas of recitations, and attending Zoom:

Meeting ID: 835 0916 8116

Passcode: 686924

Joining via YouTube

At the same time that we are practicing via Zoom, we will be live-streaming aspects of the Samye Zoom meeting via YouTube.

If you are not available at that time, then as a support for your practice the recording will be shared shortly afterward on Samye Institute’s YouTube page.

Remember: even if you decide to join via YouTube, you still have to register and pledge your malas on Zoom. Please note: translations in different languages are only available via Zoom, not YouTube.

Make an Offering

If you would like to make an offering, please click here.

If you have any questions, please email support@samyeinstitute.org.

Additional Support Material for Your Practice

Below you will find links to short teachings about tsok offering practice:

Short Practice Guide for Tsok Offerings


Bahasa Indonesia





Việt Ngữ

The Benefits of Tsok Offering Practice

Bahasa Indonesia





Việt Ngữ

How to Direct Your Practice


Bahasa Indonesia






Việt Ngữ


Bahasa Indonesia





Việt Ngữ


Việt Ngữ

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