Tsok Bum & Annual Puja: One Hundred-Thousand Tsok Offerings of Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik (The Lake-Born Guru’s Heart Essence)

For the previous Tsok Bum—the accumulation of 100,000 Feast Offerings—of Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel, The Guru’s Heart Practice, we shared with you a short introduction to Guru Rinpoche, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, Lamé Tukdrup Barché Künsel the Feast Offering, and the sacred site of Asura Cave. For the upcoming tsok bum of Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik we would like to share with you a short biography of Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo, who revealed the Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik, along with a short introduction to this practice.

Below is key information about the Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik Tsok Bum

Date: November 14th (November 13thth in the Americas)

Time: 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. Nepal Time

You can check the time for your location here.

You can access the Guru Tsokyé Nyingtik liturgy here. It is available in Tibetan with full translation into Thai, English, Spanish, and Chinese

Please Note: The accumulation section of the tsok is available in those languages, and also in Ukrainian, Spanish, Russian, Indonesian, Portuguese, and Japanese.

This event will have live translation into Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese and Japanese.

We will be accumulating the Tsok Offering prayer collectively during the Tsok Bum Puja. This prayer is the section of the liturgy beginning “hrih dü sum sangyé guru rinpoché”, and continuing to “om ah hum benza guru pema siddhi hum”, reciting this prayer will count as a single recitation. 

Zoom registration is required for everyone, regardless of whether or not you will join the Zoom meeting. Please follow these steps for registering, pledging the number of malas of recitations, and attending Zoom:

Meeting ID: 821 5381 6399

Passcode: 806307

Please click here to register and pledge the malas that you will accumulate.

Joining via YouTube

At the same time that we are practicing via Zoom, we will be live-streaming aspects of the Samye Zoom meeting via YouTube.

If you are not available at that time, then as a support for your practice the recording will be shared shortly afterward on Samye Institute’s Facebook page. This recording will remain available on YouTube for 24 hours after the puja concludes.

Remember: even if you decide to join via YouTube, you still have to register and pledge your malas on Zoom. Please note: translations in different languages are only available via Zoom, not YouTube.

Make an Offering

If you would like to make an offering, please click here.

If you have any questions, please email support@samyeinstitute.org.

Furthermore, we also shared a teaching by Phakchok Rinpoche on how to direct your practice. If you wish to review these materials, please click the links below:

Short Practice Guide for Tsok Offerings

Bahasa Indonesia
Việt Ngữ

The Benefits of Tsok Offering Practice

Bahasa Indonesia
Việt Ngữ

How to Direct Your Practice

Bahasa Indonesia
Việt Ngữ


Bahasa Indonesia
Việt Ngữ

Practice Text

The full practice text is available on the Lhasey Lotsawa website here:

Tsokye Nyingtik Gathering Offering Set

Please note that this text has been recently updated so be sure to download the latest version.

If you would like to make an offering, please click here.


Bahasa Indonesia
Việt Ngữ

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